
The Armenian Congregational Church


The Armenian Congregational Church of Detroit was started in 1913, when Armenian survivors of the Turkish persecution first began to settle in the Detroit area. The Armenian Congregational Church was born, thanks, in large part to the pioneering efforts of several clergymen. These volunteers, mainly pastors and teachers, conducted Armenian Evangelical services in Detroit, and it was in 1917 that regular Sunday Worship services started.

In 1920, the Armenian Congregational Church was formed into a church with 22 communicant members. Two years later, in 1922, the Armenian Congregational Church in the city of Detroit was incorporated with 42 Charter members.

In 1925, the church building on the corner of Hamilton and Collingwood Avenue was purchased with the adjacent lot and parish house.

In 1931, the Sunday school was organized both with a children’s department and an adult class. The “Church Bulletin” (in Armenian) was also started at this time.

It was the year 1945, the Christian Endeavor was re-organized, and the Young Adults group was formed.

As the church grew, its Hamilton building became inadequate for the needs of the congregation. This led to the purchase of the church edifice at Twelfth and Davison in 1951. The parking lot adjacent to the church was acquired in 1953, and in 1959, the Sunday School Extension was completed.

Soon, times changed again, as did the needs of the congregation with the great movement of Armenians to the suburbs. It became evident that the church needed to move again, and in 1967 the groundbreaking ceremonies of the present church building at Twelve Mile Road, in Southfield, were held and the building of the church was started.

In the early 1970s, the Christian Education needs of the congregation led to the conversion of one third of the fellowship hall into Sunday school classrooms, and the remaining hall was later expanded with stage and new kitchen facilities. It was also during this time that the church was able to pay off the remainder of its mortgage and become debt-free.

Early in 1997, the Armenian Christian Education Center was completed and dedicated, and the “Marderus Kadian Educational Fund” was established.

In the many years of this church’s existence many changes have taken place, but one thing has never changed, and that is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.


1. We believe in the existence of one only living and true God, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of the universe; omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent; self-existent, independent, immutable; possessed of infinite benevolence, wisdom, holiness, justice, mercy, and truth, and who is the only proper object of worship.
2. We believe that God exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and that these three are one God.
3. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God, and are a revelation of His will to men, and the sufficient and only rule of faith and practice.
4. We believe that mankind, in their natural state, are destitute of holiness, and entirely depraved, and justly exposed to the Divine wrath.
5. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ; perfect God and perfect man, is the only Savior of sinners, and the only mediator and intercessor between God and man; and that by His perfect obedience, sufferings, and death, He made full atonement for sin, so that all who believe in Him will assuredly be saved, and that there is no other sacrifice for sin.
6. We believe that in consequence of the utter wickedness of man, it is necessary that all should be regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit, in order to be saved.
7. We believe that we are justified by the righteousness of Christ alone, through faith, and not by any fasting, alms, penances, or other deeds of our own; and that while good works are inseparable from true faith, they can never be meritorious ground of salvation before God.
8. We believe that holiness of life, and a conscientious discharge of the various duties we owe to God, to our fellowmen, and ourselves, are not only constantly binding upon all believers, but essential to the Christian character.
9. We believe that, besides God, no other being is to be worshiped and adored, and that each person in the sacred Trinity is worthy of our worship, which, to be acceptable, must be offered through no other mediation than that of Jesus Christ alone; and that the use of relics, pictures, crosses, and images of any sort, in any act of worship, and of the intercession of the saints, is directly contrary to the Scriptures, and highly displeasing to God; and the prayer of the dead is not authorized in the word of God.
10. We believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust, and a day of judgment; and that the happiness of the righteous, and the punishment of the wicked, commence at death, and continue without end.
11. We believe that any number of believers, duly organized, constitute a church of Christ, of which Christ is the only Head; and that the only sacraments of Christ's Church are Baptism and the Lord's Supper; the former being the seal of the covenant, and a sign of the purifying operation of the Holy Spirit, and token of admission into the visible Church, and the latter, in shewing forth by visible symbols the death of Christ, being a perpetual memento of His atoning love, and a pledge of union and communion with Him and with all true believers.
12. We believe that the Gospel is the chief instrument appointed by Christ for the conversion of men and for the edification of His people, and that it is the duty of His Church to carry into effect the Savior’s command, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”



Rev. Hagop Haroutunian, Senior Pastor

Rev. Hagop Haroutunian was born in Baghdad, Iraq. In 1982, he migrated to Athens, Greece. In 1985, he moved from Greece to California. At age 17, he found his Savior Jesus Christ, and used his musical talents to lead worship at various churches. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Services, minoring in Psychology.
In time, Rev. Hagop discovered the Lord was calling him into full-time ministry, and he attended Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA, where he received his Master of Divinity Degree. Rev. Hagop’s first call from the Lord was at Christian Outreach for Armenians Church as the Administrator and Parish Minister in Glendale, CA, from 2013 to 2017. In 2019, he received his second call from the Lord to pastor our church, the Armenian Congregational Church. Rev. Hagop feels deeply passionate and blessed to serve this wonderful Church.
On Sunday, November 15, 2023, Rev. Haroutunian was ordained at our church by the Armenian Evangelical Church of North America (AEUNA). Rev. Haroutunian is married with his lovely wife Nune, who serves alongside him to inspire and encourage our church to serve the Lord.

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, Minister Emeritus

The Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, is the Minister Emeritus of the Armenian Congregational Church of Greater Detroit. He was the senior pastor of the church for 30 years, from 1975-2005.
Rev. Dr. Tootikian is a graduate of the Near East School of Theology and did his graduate work at Harvard and Andover Newton Theological seminaries, earning two masters and a doctorate.
He and his wife Rosette, live in Royal Oak, Michigan. Along with his pastoral duties, Rev. Tootikian has been a lecturer at Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI, and also a lecturer at the University of Michigan.
He has authored 43 books and is a regular contributor to several papers and magazines. Since January 2003, Rev. Dr. Tootikian has been the Executive Director of the Armenian Evangelical World Council.

Susan Harrison, Organist & Choir Director; Office Administrator

Susan has lived most of her life in the Dearborn Heights area, where she’s studied, taught, and worked at various churches in the area, leading and directing music. Susan has been the Armenian Congregational Church Music Director for many years, as Organist and Choir Director. Susan’s passion for her work has enhanced our church services with beautiful choral performances, with hymns and music that range from classical to contemporary. Working at this Church is a wonderful blessing for Susan, giving her the opportunity to be a part of a passionate spiritual community.

Rev. Hagop Haroutunian


Ann Baylerian

Vice Chair

Sheryl Marburger


Hasmik Arslanian


Margarita Yeghiyan


Cathy Brito


Nora Baylerian


Rosette Tootikian


Lena Bouladian


Susan Mousigian


Carol Basmadjian

Honorary Deacon

Bob Jacobs

Honorary Deacon

David Terzibashian

Honorary Deacon

April Arabian Tini


Ann Zartarian

Dennis Marburger

Vice Chair

Tom Margosian


Chris Banerian


Roger Berschbach


Brian Theil


Rouben Arslanian


Monica Seferain Koehler


Carole Basmadjian

Director of Women’s Fellowship, Chair of the Missions Committee

Rev. Hagop Haroutunian

Men's Bible Study Leader

Hasmik Arslanian

Women's Bible Study Leader


The Armenian Congregational Church is located at 26210 West 12 Mile Road, West of Telegraph Road and East of Northwestern Highway.

Worship Service: Sunday, 11 a.m.

(English and Armenian)