The Armenian Congregational Church
Our Church Leadership

Rev. Hagop Haroutunian, Senior Pastor
Rev. Hagop Haroutunian was born in Baghdad, Iraq. In 1982, he migrated to Athens, Greece. In 1985, he moved from Greece to California. At age 17, he found his Savior Jesus Christ, and used his musical talents to lead worship at various churches. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Services, minoring in Psychology.
In time, Rev. Hagop discovered the Lord was calling him into full-time ministry, and he attended Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA, where he received his Master of Divinity Degree. Rev. Hagop’s first call from the Lord was at Christian Outreach for Armenians Church as the Administrator and Parish Minister in Glendale, CA, from 2013 to 2017. In 2019, he received his second call from the Lord to pastor our church, the Armenian Congregational Church. Rev. Hagop feels deeply passionate and blessed to serve this wonderful Church.
On Sunday, November 15, 2023, Rev. Haroutunian was ordained at our church by the Armenian Evangelical Church of North America (AEUNA). Rev. Haroutunian is married with his lovely wife Nune, who serves alongside him to inspire and encourage our church to serve the Lord.

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, Minister Emeritus
The Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, is the Minister Emeritus of the Armenian Congregational Church of Greater Detroit. He was the senior pastor of the church for 30 years, from 1975-2005.
Rev. Dr. Tootikian is a graduate of the Near East School of Theology and did his graduate work at Harvard and Andover Newton Theological seminaries, earning two masters and a doctorate.
He and his wife Rosette, live in Royal Oak, Michigan. Along with his pastoral duties, Rev. Tootikian has been a lecturer at Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI, and also a lecturer at the University of Michigan.
He has authored 43 books and is a regular contributor to several papers and magazines. Since January 2003, Rev. Dr. Tootikian has been the Executive Director of the Armenian Evangelical World Council.

Susan Harrison, Organist & Choir Director
Susan has lived most of her life in the Dearborn Heights area, where she’s studied, taught, and worked at various churches in the area, leading and directing music. Susan has been the Armenian Congregational Church Music Director for many years, as Organist and Choir Director. Susan’s passion for her work has enhanced our church services with beautiful choral performances, with hymns and music that range from classical to contemporary. Working at this Church is a wonderful blessing for Susan, giving her the opportunity to be a part of a passionate spiritual community.

Souzanne, Office Administrator
Souzanne has served diligently as the Office Administrator for the Armenian Congregational Church for many years. Her work has helped ensure that our church is run smoothly year-round, making it possible for the Church to focus its time and energy on doing God’s work.
Rev. Hagop Haroutunian
Ann Baylerian
Vice Chair
Sheryl Marburger
Hasmik Arslanian
Cathy Brito
Nora Baylerian
Rosette Tootikian
Lena Bouladian
Tony Janigian
Esther Lyons
Carol Basmadjian
Honorary Deacon
Bob Jacobs
Honorary Deacon
David Terzibashian
Honorary Deacon
Chris Banerian
Ann Zartarian
Tom Margosian
Monica Serefian Kohler
Souzanne Pope
Taline Hagopian
Ed Bayleran
Roger Berschbach
Brian Theil
Carole Basmadjian
Director of Women’s Fellowship, Director of Church Missions
Rev. Hagop Haroutunian
Men's Bible Study Leader
Ann Bayleran
Women's Bible Study Leader